Kids Winter Wellness Handbook

Kids Winter Wellness Handbook
“A guide to supporting your child so there can be less snotty noses and coughs this winter.”
Does it feel like your child is constantly getting sick? Are you experiencing a household of sniffles, coughs and sore throats? Is your child missing out on daycare or school and you on work?
Our Kids Winter Wellness Handbook is just for you!
This is a holistic guide to strengthening your child's immune system and supporting them when they do get sick. As natural health practitioners, we're here to guide you in doing just that with diet and lifestyle changes. If you've found your child on an infection cycle with little break between colds, we're here to provide your children with the additional support they need to heal, recover and thrive.
An understanding of your child’s immune system
A list of factors compromising immunity
5 things that are weakening your child's immune system
Tips to support your child's immunity
Helpful advice for managing fevers
Tips to avoid antibiotics and what to do if your child does need antibiotics
Ideas for a natural health first aid kit
A list of beneficial nutrients for immune health
A list of beneficial supplements for immune health
Tips for fussy eaters
Nourishing recipes to support immunity
An action plan with checklists and goal sheets
A whole food pantry and fridge list
A meal plan template