Natural ways to treat baby constipation

Starting your infant on solids is a fun time for any parent, but baby constipation is a common problem as a result.

Natural ways to treat baby constipation

Natural ways to treat baby constipation

Starting your infant on solids is a fun time for any parent, but baby constipation is a common problem as a result. I remember clearly when my son struggled with constipation for several days and it was heartbreaking!

Here I was thinking I was a brilliant mum making him delicious homemade baby food and then the poor little guy was straining so hard, I was worried his head was going to pop!

No doubt you have been in a similar situation or perhaps you are in one now. Before you freak out and grab a packet of laxatives, here are the basics of what you should know with some advice on natural ways to treat baby constipation.

Baby constipation - what to look out for

The poop schedule of babies can be a little all over the place. Some babies who are exclusively breastfed have a dirty nappy after every meal, while others can hold out for a week or so. As breast milk is almost 100% digestible, babies are rarely constipated when solely breastfed but can experience infrequent bowel movements.

If breastfed babies are constipated, their poop usually moves from soft, pasty stools to little clay balls. Formula-fed babies, on the other hand, tend to struggle with constipation more so. This is because their bodies can’t digest formula as easily and it is not completely absorbed in their system.

When babies are introduced solid foods, their frequency of bowel movements usually goes from three to four times a day to one per day. If your baby is straining and/or show signs of a firm belly, this is one of the key symptoms of constipation due to hard, difficult to pass poop. An infant refusing to eat is also one of the common signs of constipation.

Common causes of baby constipation 

Besides the introduction of solid foods the most common causes of baby constipation are:

  • Teething 

  • Changing to baby formula or change in brand

  • Introducing solid foods too early (before 6 months)

  • Diets low in fibre and whole grains 

  • Diets consisting of excessive dairy products such as yoghurt, cheeses and milk

  • Foods such as rice cereal, bananas, apple sauces, white potatoes, white flour, bread and pasta

  • Intolerance or allergy to dairy or gluten

  • Mother’s diet, if breastfeeding

  • Microbiome imbalance

  • Digestive system dysfunction or a lack of digestive enzymes

Simple treatments for baby constipation

Natural ways to treat baby constipation

Before you frantically call your pediatrician or rush to the chemist for some over-the-counter medication, there are several home remedies and things you can do to help elevate your baby’s constipation. This can include changing their foods or feeding patterns or some physical exercises to get your baby's bowels moving.

Relieving baby constipation in infants younger than 4 months of age:

Begin practising some of the below exercises to relieve gas and get things a little more relaxed down there and relieve infant constipation. 

If your infant is formula feed and constipation is a regular occurrence, perhaps consider switching brands of formula. While many doctors suggest you should give diluted fruit juice to your children, I’m not a great fan of serving juice to kids unless absolutely necessary. If the above does not elevate your baby's constipation, I suggest you try giving no more than 30mls of diluted fruit juice such as grape or prune twice daily.

Relieving baby constipation in babies 4 – 12 months of age:

  • Avoid feeding your baby the above food items known to cause constipation

  • Include more fibre-rich vegetables and fruits foods in their diet

  • Foods starting with ‘P’ are great for curing baby constipation including prunes, pears, peaches and peas. You could make pear juice or puree or use warm prune juice. 

  • Consume kiwi fruit daily.

  • Serve foods that are easy to digest such as avocado and sweet potatoes

  • Add a pinch of ground flax seeds to your babies puree

  • Slowly increase the amount of water they are consuming

  • If breastfeeding, consider your diet and how it may be impacting your baby’s bowel movements

  • Consider speaking to your health care provider about probiotics for you and your baby

  • Speak to your health practitioner about over the counter products such as lactulose.


Is your baby constipated?

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Exercises that can help relieve baby constipation

Exercises are great for getting your baby’s system moving and relieve any built-up gas. I suggest you do these after a warm bath, which can help them relax and alternating between the exercises can sometimes help.

Bicycle legs – 

By placing your baby on their back, begin to gently move your baby’s legs as if they were riding a bike keeping them half-bent.

Circling legs –

Place your baby on their back and by lightly hold their legs in a half-bent position, begin circling them clockwise. Gently press into the tummy as you do so and alternate to clockwise after about five circles.

Tummy massage –

By rubbing our baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction you can provide a gentle massage. Start at your baby’s naval and massage in a circular motion moving away from the centre of your baby’s belly.

Baby constipation in most cases is very normal particularly when you are transitioning from milk to solid foods. Don’t be alarmed! Follow the above and I am sure you will start to see improvement in your little one's pooping regularity.  

If you're struggling with your child’s digestive health, schedule a complimentary Wellness Discovery Call. Improving the digestive function of your child can have a dramatic impact on their overall health and wellbeing.