How to minimise lunchbox waste
The concept of ‘nude food’ has really taken off. But if you’re new to the lunchbox game or stuck in the old Gladwrap days a waste-free lunchbox may seem daunting. Here are my top tips on how to minimise lunchbox waste.
Did you know, Australians throw out 1 in every 5 bags of food shopping they buy? Not only is that an expensive waste, but it’s also a decent amount of waste contributing to the environmental issues we’re faced with today.
Thankfully, the nude food movement is gaining momentum amongst schools and students. More schools are enforcing zero rubbish rules and a greater number of kids are keeping parents accountable. But we’ve still got a lot of work to do.
My son’s primary is supposed to be a nude food school. However, it’s not enforced. In fact, in one of my school cooking classes when I questioned a student about rubbish from the packaged food, he said parents would hate if we really weren’t allowed rubbish.
Clearly, we need to get everyone on board with reducing the rubbish. As your child’s biggest role model, it starts with you! So here are my top tips on minimising your child’s lunchbox waste.
1. Start the conversation with your kids
Kids are always eager to promote and support positive change. They’re also highly impressionable so talking about the negative impact of rubbish on the environment and the animals is a great place to state. Look at resources like the War on Waste documentary or websites like Cool Australia to get the conversation happening.
2. Use a bento box
I’m a big fan of bento boxes and not because they’re on-trend. They are so easy to pack package-free food items and to use up leftovers from dinner. Simply put bento boxes are a great way to serve up fresh, wholefoods without them spoiling and still enjoyable to eat.
3. Only buy what you know you can use
Plan your lunchbox meals so that you only buy what you know you can use. Make a list and shop only from the list. If you take the kids shopping, use this as a teaching opportunity. They will without a doubt, ask for something. Explain it’s not on the list and that you may be able to get it next time but only if it’s on the list.
4. Avoid purchasing individually packet foods
If you are purchasing packaged foods like muesli bars, cookies or chips, avoid purchasing those that are individually packaged. Instead, portion the food out and wrap in re-useable packagings like beeswax wrappers or fabric snack bags.
5. Utilise your leftovers
Get creative with your leftovers and use them up before you offer something new. Pack last night’s dinner leftovers in a thermos for your child to enjoy the next day. Make muffins from leftover spaghetti or combine that little bit of leftover smoothie with yoghurt for a nourishing snack.
6. Embrace your freezer
Freezing items for your child’s lunchbox not only stops things soiling, but it also helps you utilise all those bits and bobs. This like a small serve of grated cheese, cooked rice or leftover coconut milk can all go into the freezer for when you need it next.
It also ensures that you have heaps of things on hand to create a balanced lunchbox without stress. Making 2 batches of cookies and freeze one, for example, saves time and money while keeping your hungry little ones happy.
7. Stop using plastic wrapping
Swap plastic Gladwrap for a recycled ‘green’ wrapping or better yet, switch to beeswax, fabric pockets and containers. This is one of the easiest things you can do to not only reduce food waste but also plastic.
8. Re-serve or re-purpose
Has your child left untouched or half-eaten food in their lunchbox? Instead of throwing it out, serve it as their afternoon snack. You may need to freshen it up a bit with something else to make it more appetising. You could also re-purpose it such as putting leftover veg or fruit into a smoothie or soup.
Need some help?
Got a fussy eater on your hands? Struggling to make a nutritious and nourishing lunchbox? Book a complimentary Discovery Call to see how we can help you make mornings easier.