Make healthy eating easy with this fridge and pantry list

Looking to transform your kitchen with nutritious ingredients? Use this healthy fridge and pantry list to help you shop for nourishing whole foods the entire family can enjoy.

healthy fridge and pantry list

Whether you want to transform your entire kitchen or improve your organisation, a fridge and pantry ingredients list is always handy.

This fridge and pantry list features all the essentials you need for a whole food family diet. Consider it your master plan! Of course, it doesn’t include every nutritious food available, but it does list all you need to get started on your family’s health journey.

Keep this on the fridge and tick the items you need as you run out of them. This way, creating your shopping list won’t seem like such a chore. You can also use this template to guide you when making your weekly meal plan.

Download your whole food fridge and pantry list here.

When you do hit the shops, remember to read the nutrition label and ingredients list on any product you pick up. If you’re unsure how to read food labels, take a look at my part one and part two ‘A Basic Guide To Understanding Food Labels’ articles.

Still feel overwhelmed?

Take a look at our Renovate Your Life services which include personalised food plans, supermarket tours and kitchen makeovers.

We take the stress out of healthy eating and educate you to help make living a nutritious lifestyle easy and enjoyable.